Step 1: Click the link below and fill out the corresponding form to start the onboarding process

Step 2: Use the following Docusign link to fill out the necessary onboarding documents

Step 3: This is important if you want to stay up to date and in the loop. Save the following ZOOM link and place a reminder on your calendar for the weekly company call

Step 4: Save the SOLNOVA Rep Support Phone Number into your phone

1(833)SOL-NOVA option #4

Step 5: Watch the following short videos to understand how to request proposals, use Podio, and navigate the sales process here at SOLNOVA.

- How to add the Direct Seller Portal onto your homescreen (IPhone) - Password: $olNova1 -

- How to Add the Proposal Request Link to your homescreen (IPhone) -

- How To Request Proposals and Access Accounts -

- Direct Seller Portal Password - $olNova1 -

- Where to Find Installation Agreements and Financing Portal Links (How To Sign Deals!!!) -

- For Additional Training Click Below -